Axes and Hammer |
At the beginning of the year my friend, Aaron Wang, showed off his latest
creation on Facebook (it had quietly been shown off in the
IPP design competition in 2020 for the IPP which had not happened due to this blasted pandemic). It was a very exciting announcement because he had clearly
gotten very big ideas - not only was he making new disentanglement puzzles but
he had branched out from simple hand made wire puzzles (which you will have seen
a lot
on this blog) into making beautiful versions out of stainless steel. Of course, I am
addicted to his puzzles (I think I have bought almost everything he has
produced) but how could I resist when he moves into a new medium? An order was
placed and then it all went rather badly wrong! The Pandemic has really hammered
the international postal service from China to the rest of the world.
Several of us in the UK had ordered these at the same time in March 2021
and the tracking reached the airport and stopped... they stayed at the
airport for weeks and weeks. Of course, I trust Aaron and he was just as
exasperated as I was but we decided to just keep on waiting and after 3 months
(just when Aaron was contemplating absorbing the cost and sending another
package out with a different courier) the packages suddenly started to travel
around the world. Phew! Once they had left China they arrived here pretty
quickly and I was delighted to receive my fabulous puzzle - in fact there were
2 in there (he had made me a gift of another great design).
The star of the show (pictured at the top) is the Axes and Hammer puzzle. As
soon as I saw it I recognised the type of design - I have featured this at
least twice before much earlier in my adventure. The very basic versions are
(available frome Puzzlemaster
here) or the Smuggler's revenge which seems to be no longer available.
Scorpion |
Smuggler's Revenge
These are functionally identical with a classic solving method but are not
quite the same as Axes and Hammer in that the string/chain loop only feeds
through once. For this more complex version then you should look at Scorpion's
Sting from
or the
from the sadly no longer with us, Livewire Puzzles - you will notice that
these have a double loop through the puzzle:
Scorpion's Sting
The Wedge |
It won't fit |
The solution for all these puzzles involve moving the ring to various
positions and then feeding one end of the string/chain through the puzzle
before continuing to manipulate the ring further. It is actually not a
particularly difficult one (Scorpion is level only 8 (Demanding) out of
Puzzlemaster's scale of 5 to 10 whilst Scorpion's sting is level 10 - I would
put it down at level 9 at most). The key feature is the ability to move the
ends through the puzzle. I quickly set to playing with Aaron's version and
quickly discovered that Houston has a problem! As you can see in the picture
to the left, the axe heads will not go through. It can only pass through at
the very end and this is impossible with the ring in the way as pictured which
is an essential position for the solution of the more basic versions. Oh
yesssss! This is why I buy puzzles from Aaron - he does make his own designs
but he also takes other designs and makes them
MUCH more fun.
I worked on this for a couple of days and really had to Think© and make some
more interesting discoveries before I had it solved. The tolerances on this
are absolutely perfect...if you don't get the plan and the positioning just
right then this will not solve. Aaron could have made this one easier by only
having a single loop like this:
The equivalent of the Scorpion rather than the Scorpion's Sting Too
easy for Aaron |
The weight of the Axe heads also adds to the challenge as they pull down and
make the accurate positioning more awkward - I would suggest that it is almost
vital that you have the help of a cat to solve this - if you are not working at
a table then you need something to lean on:
He is essential - couldn't have done it without him
Wonderful challenge - a great variant on a classic
The next puzzle was a delightful surprise which took me down the puzzler's
path of frustration - elation - frustration and tears! Aaron was very kind and
included a gift to me of a new puzzle called the The Bodies:
Three bodies |
I instantly recognised this puzzle on two levels! This had been made by
cannibalising the All Cuffed Up puzzle (from the same range as the Smuggler's
revenge). It is a version of the Classic ball and chain puzzle which I have
written about at length before (especially
here). It is interesting for me that the All cuffed up version was the one that
Aaron used. The Ball and Chain puzzle has a very specific sequence of moves with
the puzzle held in exact orientation to solve or else produce an ever more
complex loop or knot. EXCEPT the All cuffed up had a fatal flaw - the "ball
part" which was a triangle on the end of the chain was able to fit through the
hole in the end of the circle and this would allow the ring to slip off easily,
avoiding the main solution method. Aaron had taken the flawed puzzle and removed
the reason for the flaw by chaining three of the circles together ensuring that
nothing could fit through where it shouldn't. This meant that the Three bodies
was a Ball and chain on steroids - the same idea but much MORE!
Aaron has done similar dreadful things to these puzzles before and kept me
occupied for days, weeks and months before:
Classic Ball and Chain puzzle
2 layer variant
3 layer variant
Yet again it was time to Think© and again utilise the help of a cat to hold the
pieces in place. There is no chance of a cheat here and I definitely needed to
be careful - many of Aaron's more complex constructions have a quick release
mechanism to help after creating a horrendous knot. The Three bodies had no
quick release and if I made a mess then that was the end of the puzzle. Luckily
my trusty Burmese boy made short work of the puzzle and after a couple of
evenings of play the ring was removed:
Now put it back! |
The reverse process was not a huge challenge because I had properly mastered the
sequence having had to do it several times.
As usual, this success lulls me into a false sense of security and I then move
on to puzzles which are well above my skill level. Aaron has made a whole
bunch of Ball and chain variants over the last year or so and I have
dutifully bought them all and singularly failed with almost all of them (apart
from the 2 and 3 level variants above). I was flushed with success and
confidence and quickly moved back through my collection to puzzles that have
been lying in my work bag for nearly a year:
Maze B&C |
Wholly B&C |
I really thought that I might have managed to develop some real skillz with these classic puzzles and all I can say is "thank heaven for the quick release mechanisms"! I managed to get quite close with one - but as you all know - close is not solved so no cigar for me:
So near and yet still not there! |
I never managed much better than that with this puzzle despite hours and hours of trying. Interestingly, if I start with the solved puzzle and work in reverse then I can usually reassemble to the unsolved state but at no point can I go the other way!
The Wholly B&C looks simpler but has proved to be a complete nightmare for me - I cannot assemble or disassemble it and in either direction end up with a complete mess. I repeat...thank heavens for the quick release:
Not even close! An horrific knot |
Aaron has created other B&C based puzzles and yep, you guessed it, I can't solve them either! I will keep trying but suspect it might take me years. Great value for money of course. You should all keep an eye out for even more puzzles being released later this year - he has been teasing us on Facebook for a few weeks now.
Thank you for reading my drivel guys! I seem to have somehow passed the 2 million pageview mark! Amazing
My goodness you are suckers for punishment! |
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