Friday 14 December 2012

A landmark!

Yesterday my total page views passed 100,000!

I am absolutely stunned that any of you would want to read any of my drivel! I started this blog in March 2011 just to chat about some of my new toys! It was also an exercise for me to learn about web domains, hosting, HTML as well as to possibly inform people about puzzles that they might be interested in. I never dreamed that people would actually read it! In fact, according to Google Analytics, I seem to get 200-400 page views every day and if I post something good then considerably more! To date I have posted 163 posts and it has not felt like a chore ever. I have never had a hobby which I have kept going for so long.

Through the comments system, I get great feedback from you about puzzles to try and your own thoughts on those that I've reviewed - all your feedback is greatly appreciated I read and try to respond to every single one. My contact page has allowed some very interesting people from all over the world to strike up some fascinating conversations and I have made some really precious friendships that way - even though I have never met most of them. I correspond with designers, craftsmen and shop owners and am always delighted at how kind all puzzle folk seem to be!

I know I have been a little slower recently with my reviews - I apologise for this and will try to produce more but I'm afraid I do have to work quite hard to support what has now become a very expensive habit (as well as a very expensive first wife). If any of you have suggestions for the future pathway that I should take with this blog then all suggestions will be gratefully received. I have changed track a little over the last few months as I have begun to spread my expertise into the twisty arena.

I am looking forward to the next 100,000 page views! Thank you all for motivating me to keep going.


  1. I'll do you a deal Kevin; I'll keep reading your drivel if you keep reading mine. ;) You do write great reviews, I read them regularly and I'm always interested to see what you'll write about next. Thanks, and keep up the good work!

    1. Oli, it's a deal!
      As you can see from my sidebar I read quite a lot of blogs - in fact I spend so much time reading puzzle blogs and surfing for info about new puzzles that I barely get time to read a novel any more!

  2. Well done Kevin! Your blog is always interesting.
    Sandro Aliverti

    1. Thank you Sandro!
      It's a pleasure to write when I get feedback!

  3. Kevin,

    Congrats! Keep up the reviews and here's to the next 100,000 page views!

    1. Thank you Jerry,
      My page views do seem to be accelerating so maybe it will not take 21 months for the next 100k! I don't mind as long as people enjoy what I write!

  4. Huge congratulations Kevin! I loved reading your blog, and I can't wait to see your next Milestone coming up! I also can see why you have made so many friends... It was a pleasure to meet you. Great job!

    1. Thank you Will,
      It's all about communication as well as the puzzles and luckily puzzlers like to do both!

  5. Don't worry, Kevin. Although I view your blog, sometimes 10 times a minute, I don't actually read it. I am actually a robot.

    Just kidding, of course! :^) Great job and keep up the posts! I love reading about you and your wife, your reluctant puzzle partner (putting it mildly)!

    1. I did wonder why 97,500 of my pageviews came from the same IP address!! Obviously it was you Robot George!

      She is still reluctant, but aware that puzzling keeps me out of even more mischief! Better a puzzle than a 20year old girlfriend and a Porsche!!!

  6. Nice efforts Kevin :-)

    Keep it up my friend :-D

    1. Thanks Graham,
      I'll do my best - but it's terribly hard work!!!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Derek,
      Looking forward to the net 100k!!

  8. Awesome achievement - congratulations Kevin!!

    Don't stop now and always remember that we all blame Oli! ;-)


    1. Thanks Allard! Of course I blame Oli!

      Although I do think you are just a teensy weensy bit responsible too!

      Oh yeah and let's not forget that very very bad man - Wil Strijbos! He has a lot to answer for!

  9. Great job Kevin. It's great that there are so many places to get thoughts on puzzles these days. As with so many new puzzles arriving, there's never a shortage of things to write about ... quite often the reverse as I'm sure you've found yourself.

    1. Thanks Neil. You're right that there are so many puzzles to write about. My puzzle database shows that I probably have nearly 70 puzzles that I really ought to review. It's just finding the time! Luckily there are plenty of us puzzle bloggers to keep the audience happy!

  10. WOW! That's amazing Kevin. 100K is huge...are you officially viral now? (Better not be, we want more posts!)

    1. Thanks Rox!
      I'm not sure I'm viral yet but here's hoping! Actually not been feeling great for a few days so maybe I am?
